Audience Analyzer Review 2022 | Exclusive $80 Off | Limited Time Offer

Posted on the 10 February 2022 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

Audience Analyzer is software and tool for PC/Mac desktops designed to provide online businesses with powerful and result oriented Facebook Targeting tool for easily creating Audiences based on Interests and Categories for various Facebook ad campaigns. The software is extremely popular among businesses whose major stream of revenue comes from Facebook ads since it connects directly with Facebook's marketing API.

Considered extremely easy to understand and operate, publishers can find all ultra-targeted "hidden" Interests by simply entering one seed keyword into one of the 9 different Search tools and then use them in your Facebook ad campaigns. You can dig into 1000+ category targets using one powerful integrated tool, thus making the keyword analysis process much easier and less time to consume than wasting hours to find them manually.

The purchase of Audience Analyzer software also gets you a bonus social post browser software which automatically verifies for all those keywords if the corresponding FB Interests exists and shows the Audience size with just one click directly from Facebook's internal database through their marketing API!

Powerful Tools

Audience Analyzer is a power-packed result oriented software designed for businesses that rely on Facebook ad campaigns for earning the major part of their revenue. Keeping this aspect in mind, the developers of the software have incorporated numerous tools into it to enhance the overall performance and efficiency of the software and ultimately your ad campaigns.

Make use of their marketing API to search through and discover thousands of interest keyword phrases which viewers and followers use for searching result directly from Facebook's internal database!

Just think of any possibly active niche and instantly pull thousands of keywords from Wikipedia. Then with just a click of a button, simply verify if the keywords are Facebook interests!

Uncover super-targeted interest keywords by searching movie titles and actor/actress names!

Google Books is considered to be the largest online database of books, novels, and magazines in the internet world. So you can instantly search book & magazine titles using this search tool directly from Google book's internal database!

Search and use over thousands of website names as highly-targeted interest keyword phrases through the power!

Get ultra-targeted results by seamlessly searching and targeting brand name interest keywords!

Use this tool to search and extract thousands of more keyword phrases from the top search engines and top e-commerce search engines and quickly expand your keyword spread!

An easy-to-use target manager tool to quickly manage all your Facebook interest keywords in one place!

And much more!

What can you do with Audience Analyzer?

Owing to the fact that Audience Analyzer offers you numerous tools to play with, the software allows you to search for different Facebook Interests via 7 different "keyword generation" tools. In addition to this, you also get unlimited access to 2 additional tools. Here is a list of essential things that you can do with Audience Analyzer and its sub-tools.

  • Uncover thousands of Interests using the powerful Facebook Interests Tool directly from Facebook's internal database through their marketing API.
  • You can use their integrated Wikipedia Tool to instantly pull thousands of keywords from Wikipedia. You can do this for practically any ANY niche imaginable.
  • Use the unique and effective Movies Tool to uncover super-targeted interest keywords by instantly searching movie titles and actor/actress names.
  • Instantly search book and magazine titles directly from Google book's internal database using the Books tool.
  • You can use the unique Sites Tool powered by Alexa to find thousands of web site names and then use them as highly-targeted interest keyword phrases.
  • Get ultra-targeted results by seamlessly searching and targeting brand name interest keywords using their native Brand tool.
  • Search Engine Tool. Quickly extract keyword phrases from the top (eCommerce) Search Engines.
  • Quickly and seamlessly manage all your Facebook Interest keywords using the easy-to-use Targets Manager Tool.
  • Use the unique Category Targets Browser tool to instantly browse into all the built-in category targets that Facebook provides you.

How does Audience Analyzer work?

Audience Analyzer first and foremost is an extremely powerful tool of its type but is equally easy to go around with. You might be pretty convinced with the power that Audience Analyzer brings to the table courtesy of the arsenal of sub-tools it offers, it is also equally important to understand how the software works in helping you search and analyze how your ad campaign goes around with the audience.

To explain how the software works, we first made a test ad campaign on Facebook, selected all of your target locations like Canada, USA, UK and Australia, the target age groups, etc. and integrated it with Audience Analyzer.

Facebook Interests tool

The basic working of this software can be broken down into the following steps.

    Searching and using specialized keywords

Using one of the 9 built-in tools, insert your primary "seed" keyword in order to basically narrow down your audience and market to the people that would want to buy your products. You can make use of the "Detailed targeting" feature to search and select from thousands of variations of just one keyword and use them for your campaign along with the audience sizes corresponding to the keywords you wish to target.

    Use Category Target Browser for more accuracy

You can even use the "Search type" options like Interests, Majors, Job Titles, Schools and Employers from the built-in Category Target Browser to select your Categories and zero down on specialized search results in case you are selling some niche products only for a targeted section of the audience.

    Use filters to validate your keywords to real Facebook Interests

This feature helps you estimate the potential reach of your selected keyword. You can sort the results by audience size and even filter the search results using quick range filters.

You can even "Check-mark" a few of the keywords from the list and then click on "Get suggestions" to get more results of the check marked keywords.

    Copy-Paste the Interest keywords and Categories directly into your Facebook ad campaigns

You can try any possible niche that you can think of and do the exact same things which I just mentioned above. You can then copy the selected keywords and then paste them directly to your Facebook ad manager to validate your keywords to real Facebook Interests.

There are over hundreds of effective keywords that you may never find if you ONLY RELY on the FB interests tool. So to diversify your keyword search out of the box, you can use the Wikipedia tool to search over thousands of variations of the same keyword which the FB interests tool did not show. These are keywords that are searched by audiences outside the FB platform for the same niche.

You can then select some of these keywords and directly send them to the FB interests section. This will help you conduct more searches and obtain more data through the FB interests tool.

Wikipedia tool

As mentioned earlier, you can use the inbuilt Movies tool to uncover super-targeted interest keywords by instantly searching movie titles and actor/actress names as shown below.

Another interesting feature with this tool is that you can search for multiple keywords at once to save time and obtain more diverse search results.

Movies tool

Furthermore, you can even click on the links given with the search results to study more about the movies like a synopsis, reviews, star ratings, etc.

There are numerous more tools that come with the Audience Analyzer software and if you want to learn more about all of them, then simply visit the Audience Analyzer and check out the elaborate 25-minute long video tutorial explain the entire functionality of the software.

Highlight features and info: Detailed Audience Analyzer Review

Here is a quick list of some highlight information and features about Audience Analyzer that you should know about.

  • The software is completely functional on both Mac and PC.
  • 9 Powerful and easy to use Keyword Tools.
  • Native and efficient Category target Browser tool.
  • Use the Advanced and Customized quick-filters from the top of the columns or use the integrated filter window for creating more customized filters.
  • Bonus: Social Post Browser Version 2.0 to spy on your competitors and quickly uncover top performing posts on Facebook. You can use over 30+ predefined Keyword Groups and/or add your own saved keyword groups.
  • Fully compliant with Facebook TOS
  • Fully integrated with Facebook API.

BONUS: Built-in Category Targets Browser Tool!

Audience Analyzer also offers a unique tool that allows you to instantly browse into the 1,000+ built-in category targets provided to you by Facebook. This tool is the built-in Category Targets Browser tool, which provides an easy way to view what you really need. The tools help you save hours of the time of browsing through their hard-to-use interface by giving you the power to quickly dig deep into Facebook's built-in category targets!


Purchasing the Audience Analyzer software get you a complimentary new software as a bonus called, Social Post Browser Version 2.0 as a special free bonus. Getting access to the Audience Analyzer software will also bring you instant access to the Social Post Browser Mac/PC software, which you can use to quickly uncover top performing posts on Facebook!

The new Social Post Browser Version 2.0 allows you to save hundreds of hours on endless research to uncover thousands of high-converting "REAL" interest keywords for your Facebook ad campaigns.

Why should you buy Audience Analyzer?

Here are the TOP 5 REASONS we recommend for you to buy Audience Analyzer:

  • Use their powerful Interests targeting software you now can find more laser-targeted audiences for using in your Facebook Ad campaigns with specific Interests and belonging to specific Categories.
  • This software is a huge time saver as interests that you otherwise had to find yourself, take you hours to complete and didn't always fetch you favorable and profitable results.
  • Using this software will also allow you to save money as well, because now you can target the right audiences, ultimately resulting in better CTRs, lower ad costs, and higher ROI on your ad campaigns.
  • Access to the new bonus Social Post Browser Version 2.0 will let you uncover top performing posts on Facebook and thousands of high-converting "REAL" interest keywords for your Facebook ad campaigns.
  • Get Audience Analyzer now for an unbelievable low price by availing the massive 80% discount offer a valid for a limited period of time.

Price: Massive 80% Discount!

Audience Analyzer comes as a regular price package of $147.00. However, the developers of this amazing software are offering a massive $80.00 off for a limited time. If you successfully avail this offer, then you can get unlimited access to the entire Audience Analyzer software for a one-time payment of just $67.00

SAVE $80 on the entire purchase and get full access to all the 9-in-1 Audience Analyzer software for a one-time payment of just $67, instead of $147! This purchase also gives you a license to install on a total of 3 PCs/Macs that you own.

Furthermore, this offer also comes with a 30 day no questions money back guarantee period. The developers assure you that your purchase comes with a full 100% money back guarantee and will refund all your money back with no questions asked, if, for any reason, you are not satisfied with your purchase.

Hurry up and Grab your copy now! Since this discount will expire without notice and when this Discount expires, the Price Will Increase to $147.

Payment options

The developers have made sure that you can complete your purchase without any hassle by offering support to multiple payment options like:

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Conclusion: Audience Analyzer Detailed Review

Audience Analyzer altogether is an extremely powerful software for your Mac or PC that helps you save hours of research time by uncovering thousands of profitable interest keyword phrases directly from the Facebook internal keywords database!

Our team of Facebook ad campaign experts personally tested the software and its various tools to finally conclude that Audience Analyzer is indeed one of the best and most powerful software in its class!

Share your views and opinions in the comments section below, what you liked the most about Audience Analyzers features and tools.