By Maddy1704 @unstitchedd

It may technically be nearing the end of summer, but as evidenced by days like today, the weather shows no signs of playing by the rules. For some, this may be an excuse to have a nice sunbathe, others to sit in a beer garden or have a BBQ, but for me, it seems like the perfect time to experiment with some new salad recipes - oh what a life I lead. This latest creation is super simple to the extent that you could hardly even call it a recipe. I even found pre chopped aubergine in the frozen section of Tescos so you won't even need a chopping board!! Perfect for lazy days where you don't feel like cooking over a hot stove, this concoction would work beautifully thrown together on a plate with some other salads and bread, in a wrap with some other fillings or even tossed into pasta, hot or cold depending on your mood. For all the aubergine lovers out there, this one is definitely for you.
To prepare, either use a bag of ready cut aubergine like me (the cheats way) or cut one up into rounds. Throw onto a baking tray with a drizzle of olive oil and bake at 180 until soft and browning. Plate them up onto a serving utensil of choice and wait to cool. In a separate cup, mix together a good glug of olive oil and pomegranate molasses, teaspoon of sumac and splash of soy sauce, stir and dress the aubergines. Throw on the pomegranate seeds and mint et voila - a perfect summer salad.