Attract More Tenants - First Impressions Are Key.

By Homesmsp @HomesMSP

If you are a property manager of an apartment or condo complex the most important thing is keeping the units full. 100% occupancy is your goal.

What if your property is in a very young and hip area but what the potential tenant sees upon entry is this:


A tired and worn out entry may not set the tone of who your target market is for the area which is young professionals. 

The first impression is important so this may attract more tenants to your property:

Here are more before and after pictures of the apartment entryway and sitting area:





Know who your client is and set the tone from the minute they walk in the door! 

Rooms With Style can assist you in updating any office, common area, business or residential property. 

Shar Sitter, owner Rooms With Style Home Staging and Redesign Minneapolis MN.

 CHSE and APSD Home Stager Pro Trainer
