Attn Trolls: Obama Doesn’t Believe His Critics Are Racists!

Posted on the 29 August 2013 by Eowyn @DrEowyn

The next time some obnoxious leftwing troll comes onto FOTM and hurls “RACIST!” bombs at us, I’ll shove this post in their faces.

In an interview on PBS Newshour yesterday (Aug. 28, 2013), reporter/host Gwen Ifill asks Obama “whether you think that’s true” what civil rights historian Taylor Branch has said that Obama is “a victim of partisan racial gridlock.”

Obama answers (rather incoherently) that he believes critics are motivated not by racism, but by policy differences:

“…I do think what – what you’ve seen – and I – I touched on this theme during the speech – I think it has less to do with my – my race, but there is an argument that was made in 1964, 1965 on through the ’80s and ’90s in which those who resisted any change in the status quo, particularly when it came to economic opportunity, made two big arguments….

And you know, there’s a line that’s drawn between the deserving poor and the undeserving poor. And you know, that, I think, has been a fairly explicit politics in this country for some time. And it’s directed at Bill Clinton or Nancy Pelosi just as much as it’s directed at me. I – I think it – it doesn’t have to do with my race in particular; it has to do with an effort to make sure people who might otherwise challenge the existing ways that things work are divided.”

Source: Real Clear Politics, with PBS video.
