Atlanta Lesbian Health Initiative Begins To Support Entire LGBT Community

Posted on the 20 September 2011 by Cynisright @cynisright

09/20/2011 – by Cynthia Wright

During the annual Fall Garden on Sunday, thrown by the Atlanta Lesbian Initiative announced that the nonprofit organization would open up its doors to the entire LGBTcommunity.

Courtesy of GA Voice

The organization will now be named The Health Initiative, with a goal to expand their circle and reach through the Atlanta metro area LGBT community. Instead of being a niche in the lesbian market, now the goal is to be Georgia’s voice for LGBT health.

“Medical professionals are seeking us out to be at the table with them. The issues we have to deal with today have to do with advocacy. We know we need to change with the times … and the issues of policies are shared throughout the LGBT community,” executive director, Linda Ellis told the crowd.

With the health organization receiving support from the national Gay & Lesbian Medical Association, they are working towards providing culturally competent training to local and regional medical providers throughout the entire state.