Atlanta Ferris Wheel

By Nightskyarts @nightskyarts
 Welcome everybody,
   Even 2 months didn't pass and I'm writing again. To be honest every time I do write something is because I feel like it for some reason I can't force myself to write or anything else.This time I'm exited to announce that Atlanta got a new attraction. Just like the title stated is a Farris Wheel...
Atlanta Ferris Wheel's been open for about a week and when something like this happens we most certainly be there to try it. In this post I mostly will be telling you about our experience. If you ever been to Atlanta it is a good reason to come back to those who never been or always had something better in their mind this will help to make your mind.
Atlanta Ferris Wheel  Okay so let me start: The wheel is located near Centennial Park in Downtown Atlanta. As you walk in you will not be able to miss it. It's 200 feet (60meters) so if you are afraid of  heights bring an extra set of underwear and some cash of course, it will cost you $13.5 per an adult and $8 per kid for 15minutes. Now we went there on it's second day of operating so I'm sure there will be some new stuff they will add. "Security check point" was on the stair 2 guys scanned you with one of those metal detectors and there you are on your way to the cashier now the cashier is located in one of these cabins it was very difficult to hear them but it's obvious they don't sell hotdogs I just slid my card and showed a "peace" sign meaning 2 peeps I saw her inputting my credit card info into an Iphone  and such then she asked if I needed the recipe, I always do by the way then she gave me that same Iphone asking to input my cellphone nr and they will send it to me via SMS, I guess you can't stop the progress. Anyways some people might be skeptical about this whole process but I'm  cool specially I use a credit card so it's impossible to steel from that. Atlanta Ferris Wheel As you go down the line you will meet great staff that will like your shoes, shades, dresses etc. Also while in the line I noticed a black cabin not like all others stating VIP on it. I asked an employee he explained that it's a VIP cabin (duh) it's $50 per head and you get: double time (30mins), glass bottom, leather sittings and guess what else? 1.2.3,...Champagne of course. Pretty cool if you are trying to impress someone and the view is just gorgeous.    I think we made whole 4 rotations climbing all over the interior taking pictures and video. I recommend it, go see Atlanta from a new angle and height. 
Thank you for your time I'll see you all soon. Be kind to each other. Peace.