At Least Two Injured on Winnebago Road and Route 20 in Illinois

Posted on the 29 April 2014 by Caglelawfirm @ZCagle

Four vehicle crash, Winnebago, Illinois

A multi-vehicle crash occurred Monday a little before 2 p.m. involving four vehicles including a tractor-trailer at Winnebago Corners.  Both east and westbound lanes of Route 20 were blocked at Winnebago Road for several hours.

According to police, two people were injured and one was taken by ambulance and another by air to local hospitals and two refused treatment. Police say the light at the intersection was red when a tractor trailer drove through and hit three vehicles. Investigators at the scene are investigating the truck’s brake lines to see if there was  a problem.  Updates regarding the victims’ progress and investigation results will be released as those details become available.

Intersections are frequently areas where tractor trailer accidents and car accidents occur most often because traffic is going in different directions. When one vehicle does not follow a road rule such as a stop light or stop sign, then accidents can result in serious injuries and death.  In this situation, we do not know how fast the tractor trailer was traveling when it impacted the three cars or if the cars were moving or stationary.  While the accident is still under investigation, it will be important for the investigators and all victims involved to find out if the truck had faulty brake lines or if the driver made the error.

Truck Air Brakes and Braking Failure

Large trucks such as tractor trailers can weigh up to 80,000 pounds when fully loaded and require 240 feet to come to a complete stop if they are traveling at 55 mph and more distance if traveling faster.  Big rigs typically have compressed air brakes systems.  Air brakes can malfunction if they are not regularly adjusted and properly maintained.  According to the US Department of Transportation, 29 percent of truck crashes involved braking failure, misadjusted brakes and other brake problems.  The lack of regular maintenance can cause braking failure. Braking failure can also occur when a truck is overloaded or because of defective brakes.  If the truck has not been maintained properly, the liability for injuries could fall on the trucking company.

Truck Driver Error

Failing to follow rules of the road such as failing to stop at a red light or a stop sign can be caused by driver error as well.  When any kind of driver fails to stop at a stop light, it becomes a question of negligence. What other kinds of factors where involved in causing the driver not to stop?  One of the few acceptable answers is brake failure.  Whether the brakes malfunctioned or the driver made a driving error, a crash occurred.

If you have been in an accident involving a tractor trailer that drove through a red light, then you may need a personal injury attorney.  Often times, not only is the truck driver liable for negligent driving behavior but the trucking company may also be liable for your medical costs if you were injured.  Trucking accidents can get complicated dependent on the facts involved.

At The Cagle Law Firm, we understand trucking accidents and we know the Federal requirements placed on trucking companies in order to make them safer.  Call us at (800) 685-3302 or locally (314) 276-1681 for a free consultation.