At Least 70 Killed In Airstrike On Yemen Prison

Posted on the 22 January 2022 by Geetikamalik

Sana’a: At least 70 people were killed in a air strike in a prison and at least three children died in a separate bombing when Yemen’s old conflict experienced a dramatic violent escalation on Friday.

Huthi rebels released a terrible video footage showing the bodies in the rubble and corpse were destroyed from the prison attack, which flattened the building in prison in the heart of their North Saada.

Further south in the port city of Hodeida, children died when the air attacked by the Saudi LED coalition reached telecommunications facilities when they played nearby, unless the children said. Yemen also suffered from internet blackouts throughout the country.

“Children are reportedly playing on the nearest soccer field when the missile struck,” said the children.

The UN human rights office said the report intensified coalition air strikes in the population of “very surprising”.

Eight assistance institutions operating in Yemen said in a statement with them “horrified by news that more than 70 people, including migrants, women and children, have been killed … in a blatant neglect of civilian life.”

They said prisons in Saada were used as shelter centers for migrants, which made many victims.

But the United Arab Emirates insisted that and other coalition members remain committed to the “proportional” response to the Huthi attack.

“This coalition promises to comply with international law and proportional response in all of its military operations,” said the UEE Ambassador to the United Nations Nusseibeh.

The coalition attack came after Huthis took a seven-year war to a new phase by claiming a drone and missile attack on Abu Dhabi which killed three people on Monday.

The United Arab Emirates, part of the Saudi LED coalition that fights rebels, has threatened retaliation.

Help workers said hospitals were overwhelmed in Saada after prison attacks, with one receiving 70 dead and 138 people injured, according to the doctor without limits.

Two other hospitals have received “many injured” and when the night falls, the debris is still dipped, the help assistance said.

“Terrible action”

Ahmed advantage, doctor without borders’ head of mission in Yemen, said: “There are many bodies still in the air strike, many people are missing.”

“It’s impossible to find out how many people are killed. It seems that it has become a terrible act of violence.”

The UN Security Council, the Friday meeting at the request of non-permanent members, the United Arab Emirates, unanimously condemned what was called Huthis’ Heinin terrorist attacks in Abu Dhabi … and on other sites in Saudi Arabia “.

The coalition has been fighting with rebels since 2015, in irrevertable conflicts that have transferred millions of Yemen and leaving them on the hunger threshold.

The coalition claimed the attack in Hodeida, the port of Lifeline for the country was destroyed, but did not say it had strike in Saada.

The Saudi Arabian state news agency said the coalition was carried out “precision air strike … to destroy the capability of Huthi militia in Hodida”.

“Internet collapse”

Global Internet Watchdog Netblocks reports “the collapse of national internet connectivity”. AFP correspondent in Hodeida and Sanaa confirmed the blackout. Save children say it will hamper the operating capacity.

The Yemeni Civil War began in 2014 when Hutis dropped from their base in Saada to defeat Sanaa’s capital, encouraging Saudi LED forces to intervene to sustain the government the following year.

Tensions have surged in recent weeks after the Giants Brigade supported by UAE drove rebels from Shabwa Province, undermining the campaign for months to bring Marib’s main city further north.

On January 3, Huthis hijacked an Arab Emirate’s airport in the Red Sea, pushing a warning from the coalition that it would target the port held by rebels.

The post At Least 70 Killed In Airstrike On Yemen Prison first appeared on TheDivineMantra.