At Home With Artist Maureen Chatfield!

By Therelishedroost

Have you ever wondered what life is like for one of yourfavorite artists or designers? When you see their paintings, do you wonderabout the artist themselves and where and how they live life day to day? I hadjust that experience and was lucky to be able to share an at home interview withthe extremely talented artist Maureen Chatfield. Her style even shines throughher home decor and life experiences "please enjoy!!"
1. When did you first realize you were an artist? Iknew I wanted to do art from a very early age.Iguess when people started paying for my art I became an artist!
2. What can you tell us about your work?
 My current work is internalit reflects events and personal encounters. It’s a very differentexperience from my older more representational work.
Ifeel like I am an observer of a creative force that comes, does its thing thenleaves.It’sreally fascinating. First a flood of colors fills me up.
Theintensity of the energy that follows determines the size of the canvas thatwill host the event. Ipaint very spontaneously for 3-4 long days.  When my brush begins tohesitate and I start to think about a colorto choose I know the creative energy hasleft,andit's time to put the brushes down.
3.What other artists influenced you?
  Well lately I'm trying to isolatemyself and focus internally because I am so easily influenced, but in the pastthe painters that really moved me wereJohnSinger Sargent for his amazing economy, Manet for his subtle, sophisticatedpalette and transition toward impressionism, Monet, and Hassam for viewinglandscapes as extraordinary dots of colors.Picassofor growing and ever changing and proclaiming that color was emotion, VanGogh for taking that color into the emotional world like no one else and RobertHenri for simplifying beauty
4.What inspires you to paintand stay motivated?
  Wowthat's a great question.  Everything that comes into my world expands andchanges me.  Music, fashion, film.  Even world events, leaveimpressions and evoke emotions.  I don't necessarily feel changed but I’llnotice a new direction in palette or movement.  Thereis never a conscious decision to paint.  It’s more like a subtlepersistent calling. 
5.Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?Anothergreat question!Iactually feel that I will be painting perched up high overlooking the ocean. Not sure which coast or even which hemisphere but I see a large span ofwater.  
6. What other interests do youhave outside of painting?
Oh a few.  I love music,independent films, hiking up hefty hills, tennis, badminton, yoga, great, freshfood, brilliant wine, Dalwhinnie scotch, gold tequila, Myers dark rum andhanging with my kids, family and friends.  Couldn't put my kids firstcause they'd make fun of me but they’re really at the top of my chart.
7. Advice for young artists just starting out?Two things I think are veryimportant.
Oneis if painting is your direction, then I would advise drawing, drawing so thatwhen you begin painting you never have to.
Andthe second is that if you can, take a painting class or private instructionearly on.I wasso lucky that my father hadarrangedpainting lessons for me at a very early age. I think I was about 13 and had a tutor.Hetaught me color theory and how to reproduce any color I saw or that he pointedto. I couldn't begin painting until I had mastered "the mix".
Whenyou learn something at an early age it just becomes part of your fabric. To not have to think about how to arrive at a color is a very powerfultool.Iliken it to watching a person hit a tennis or golf ball who's learned itat an early age. They do it so effortlessly.   Then all that's left ismastering the terrain.
Thankyou Maureen for this candid interview and welcoming me into your home with openarms!! As usual your paintings amaze me!

Maureen Chatfield

Maureen's wonderful eclectic living room!

Maureen has traveled extensively and her home reflects that  as well as her art work!

Contemporary art and traditional mixes well!

Excuse my lack of flash here, this large painting is fantastic!!

Some of Maureen's Earlier work.

There is fun written all over this photo!!

A dramatic piece which reflects her earlier work.

Love everything about this painting!!

Where all the magic happens!!!