Astrology of the Day – Sun Conjunct Neptune - Sunday 4th March 2018

By Solarisastro @solarisastro

The Moon is in the sign of equality and diplomacy Libra for the whole of this day, and we may be focused on our partners and other people more than on ourselves. The Moon in this sign wants to avoiding emotional conflict at all times, and you may be constantly looking for ways of keeping everyone around you happy and content. This approach is lovely, but those who are more ruthless than you are may take advantage of your rather selfless nature.

Now the Moon early on today makes a double inconjunct aspect to the Sun and Neptune who themselves are forming a conjunction. Through these aspects you may feel slightly off colour or rather uncomfortable, and you may have to try and deal with a confusing or disintegrating situation, maybe as something that is going wrong and forcing you try and find a solution. Be careful too that you aren't being lead down the garden path by someone who wishes to take advantage of you.

The Sun as I mentioned soon after makes a conjunction with Neptune. This aspect will makes us all very impressionable. and it may weaken our resolve to achieve anything significant today. Today is more a day of dreams and imagination, and finding spiritual peace and solace, and we may be confounded and less than happy if we are caught up in hectic situations that need an organised attitude. Letting things flow and reacting to what is needed when it is needed, is how we will go about things best.

A little while later, Mercury and Venus make direct contact. This combines the planet of the mind with the planet of relationships, values and beauty. Now we may be in a mood to gossip about who is going out with who and find out what others are doing and getting on with. We may also be in a very creative mood, and you will be able to use the inspiration around in the energy of the day to your advantage in any projects or plans that require a level of artistry. Combined with the Sun Neptune conjunction, this will be a lovely day for performers, photographers, painters, musicians and any situation that requires an appreciation of colour, rhythm and form. It is very appropriate then that this aspect is one of the signatures of the Oscars that occur tonight (all these planets rule the world of performance, film, sound, design and imagination), as the movie world celebrates the best in their industry.

The Moon moves on to make an intense square to Pluto in mid afternoon, and those creative urges I mentioned can really come from deep in the soul, if you throw the considerable energy of this aspect into anything that you are doing. You may get obsessed by something or somebody now, so much that you lose all sense of proportion. Try to keep those intense emotions under control, and then you'll be able to make the best of the swirling emotions and feeling that are affecting us on this Sunday.

There is one other very important set of connections as both Venus and Mercury come together with Chiron making a conjunction. Through this triple conjunction is a message of wounds being healed this evening, hurts being tended and a message going out that such wounding behaviour will not be tolerated. In your life this is a tender-hearted link that can help to settle the difficulties of the past through talking with those that you love, and on a wider level, I suspect that this particular message of wounds being healed will emanate out from Los Angeles loud and very clearly.