Astrology of the Day – Saturday 21st October 2017

By Solarisastro @solarisastro

We are into moving into a much quieter phase of planetary activity now and we wake to find the Moon moving still in the Sign of Scorpio forming a lovely water trine with Neptune, so we will be looking for a restful and easy start to our weekend. Breakfast in bed with the one you love will sound like a wonderful idea.

As this connection dissipates the Moon moves on further to make another positive connection to the ruler of Scorpio, Pluto. There is much constructive and and yet intense energy here and we can move mountains today if you should want to. This is a great day for sorting our any shared aspects of your life, be it financial or matters about objects and possessions that are jointly owned. In the same way you may be able to benefit from those in positions of influence, especially in regards to future investments or money that you wish to borrow. Arranging to pay back creditors may also a good use of the energy at your fingertips too.

In the background the Sun is approaching the planet of expansion and optimism Jupiter. This connection won't be made for a couple of days yet but we should be starting to feel the benefits of this merging of energies, through a more open, inclusive and happy-go-lucky attitude. This is a time to banish the blues and to start to enjoy life again. Go for it and seize the day, after all once an opportunity has gone, it's unlikely to return again in exactly the same fashion...