Astrology of the Day – Mercury Trine Jupiter – Friday 2nd March 2018

By Solarisastro @solarisastro

The Moon is in Virgo today, and we will be very much tied to the routines that we have to carry out, and in getting things precise and correct as we would want them to be. This is a rather modest connection, and in comparison to yesterday we will not want to be so demonstrative as we were. This is a connection where will will let our work and actions speak for themselves.

Just 51 minutes into this day (UK time) the Moon opposes the Sun and a Full Moon will be formed. I wrote extensively about this connection in my full Moon post yesterday, so if you are interested how it will affect us all, please refer to that article. There will be a link at the end of this post to refer to.

Following the lunation, the Moon progresses onwards to oppose Neptune. There is a sense of illusion and unreality that comes out of this opposition and our emotions or perceptions may either deceive us or maybe someone will instead. We may be gullible in this moment and open to suggestion, so try if you can to keep your wits about you.

The next aspect to perfect finds Mercury making a trine to Jupiter. This is an aspect of needing to communicate, a lot. Not much will shut us up now, the urge to speak about what is on our minds will be strong, and we will also want to get that message out as far and wide as we can. This is an aspect of knowledge, culture and faith too, and it may bring us the urge to travel of get away to far flung places, to take a trip or jump on a plane. We may wish to learn more about our chosen interest or eulogise to others about our faith or beliefs. We may be obsessed by the big idea, the overriding concept or the philosophical discussion.

The Moon makes a trine to Pluto in the middle of this day, and very soon afterwards it makes a square to Mars. There is intensity here in these connections, emotional irritability and we may over-react badly to anything or anyone that questions us. We may respond in a over quick or curt manner, and this could cause problems with others. To keep you from reacting this way, it would be good for you to keep active with something demanding to do. This will take your mind off other more troublesome situations, and give you some focus when you need it.

The Moon still has two opposition aspects to make before the day ends; ones to Mercury and then to Venus. We may be challenged now verbally or mentally in a relationship situation or over our values. Someone we love may question us, or ask something more of us. There could be tension in the air and we may have to apologise or make amends for a mistake we have made. One thing that the opposition to Mercury does allow us to do is to listen, and rather than us expressing our own position, it may be wiser for us to shut up and hear what someone else has to say.

The Virgo Full Moon of March 2nd 2018