Assassin Club (2023) Movie Review

By Newguy

Assassin Club – ABC Film Challenge – Catch 2023 – N (Noomi Rapace) – Assassin Club – Movie Review

Director: Camille Delamarre

Writer: Thomas Dunn (Screenplay)


  • Henry Golding (Snake Eyes)
  • Noomi Rapace (Prometheus)
  • Daniela Melchior (The Suicide Squad)
  • Jimmy Jean-Louis (Heroes)
  • Sam Neill (Jurassic Park)

Plot: An assassin is given a contract to kill seven people around the world only to discover the targets are also assassins who have been hired to kill him.

Runtime: 1 Hour 51 Minutes

There may be spoilers in the rest of the review

Story: Assassin Club starts when assassin Morgan Ganes (Golding) has a close call on his latest job. He wants to settle down with his girlfriend Sophie (Melchior). However, Morgan’s boss Caldwell (Neill) wants him to do one more job. This job sees Morgan dealing with a game between fellow assassinations, forcing him to track down his own.

Morgan is left with no choice but to play this game if he wants a life of freedom. However, he learns more about the world he tried not to get too sucked into. All to protect the woman he loves and have a life of freedom.

Verdict on Assassin Club

Assassin Club is an action thriller following an assassin who gets drawn into a game involving a group of assassins hired to hunt each other down. It sees him using his connections to track down his fellow assassins before they get to him. All while trying to learn who is really behind the plan.

This is an action movie that falls into the group of badly shot action movies with too many cuts. While the concept is fun, it never seems to take it as fun, leaving the movie trying so hard to be taken seriously. Sure, this will entertain for a late-night action movie, it does all it needs to without ever being memorable.

Final ThoughtsAssassin Club is the typical late-night action movie.