Aspiring Author

By Authorsbelle @AuthorSBelle

I have decided to delete my other blog and start using this blog for all my writing.  Below is what I wrote for my first blog. 


I am writing a book that I hope to have out mid January.  I will be one of those new age authors that starts with epublishing.  It has taken me a long time to get to this, but I'm glad I am making the transition.  I am an actress that's always forming stories in my mind.  Stories that I see on a big screen with me as the lead.  ;)  Recently I realized that those stories will never be told if I don't tell them.  Screen plays are the hardest things in the world to get made, but books are much more realistic.  Especially since we can publish ourselves these days.  So here I am.  I have a whole series planned and another after that.  Every second I'm not acting, I'm writing.  It has become an obsession!  

What kind of books will they be?  I guess you would call them romantic suspense.  Although, I'm not certain the first will fall under that category.  We shall see ;)

Clearly, my book didn't get finished.  Life through a whole lot of LIFE at me.  I now hope to have it out by September.  Yay!