#ASKAWAYFriday with Stacey at This Momma’s Ramblings

By Upliftingfam @upliftingfam

This is my third week participating in ASKAWAYFriday.  I love connecting with other bloggers and also feel that this is a great way to get to know me and my family.    This week I connected with Stacey at This Mommas Ramblings.  She is married for over 11 years and has three children.  Stacey is in her second year of homeschooling her children.  She loves to host parties on her blog, talk about homeschooling adventures, and so much more.

I am glad that I got to connect with Stacey this week and I hope that you enjoy the answers to the questions that she asked me.

  1. What is one recipe that you remember from your childhood that you make for your family?

I learned how to make Hamburger soup from my childhood baby sitter.  I taught my mom how to make it.  It is something that I have made several times for my own family because it is very easy meal to make and my kids actually enjoy it.  It’s also a great way to get my own kids to eat their veggies.  I planned on posting the recipe on my blog at one point but forgot to do it.  Next time I make the soup, I will have to post the recipe.

  1. Have you ever had the chance to meet any blogging friends that you have made?

I haven’t been able to meet any of my blogging friends yet. I think that it would be so much fun if I could meet bloggers that I have connected with since I started blogging.  In fact,  I would love to meet as many as I can.  I hope one day in the future that I can make it to a blogging conference with all of my friends.  I would even agree to an arranged meeting in a public place.

  1. What movie would you watch over and over again? Any reason why?

There are several movies that I love to watch over and over again.  I love the Home Alone Series, Shrek 2, and the Toy Story Series.  I am sure I am missing a few movies but these are a few of my favorites.  I love these movies because I can sit down with my children and enjoy them.

  1. What piece of advice would you give your 15 yr old self?

I was a fairly responsible teenager but if I could go back in time, I would have tried a bit harder in high school.

  1. What is your fondest dream that you have yet to accomplish?

I am currently working on building my dream.  I want to become a self-employed freelancer so that I can have more time with my family.   I love that  I am able to work from home and set my own hours.  I started blogging so that I could help others and take the focus off myself and my own health issues.  I love helping others.  My dream is a work in progress and I will keep working to achieve all of my dreams.

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison 

  1. What is your favorite thing about being a mom?

I love it when my kids tell me that they love me, it melts my heart every time.  I also love it when people compliment my children’s behavior or manners.  I have tried to teach them how to have manners like please and thank you.

  1. If you were given a million dollars to spend, what would you spend it on?

I am a responsible person so I would have to pay off a few bills first.  Then I would go buy husband his dream car (a Ford Edge).  I would also buy a minivan or 7 passenger car so that I could tote all of the kids and their friends around.  I would take everyone to the store and let them pick out one thing that they want and buy them some new clothes.  I would also go to the spa and get a massage, manicure, and pedicure.

  1.  Do you have any Thanksgiving traditions that you share with your family?

We always spend time with family on Thanksgiving day.  In fact, yesterday we spent time at my mother in law’s house and then last night we spent time with my side of the family.  We typically put up the Christmas tree after Thanksgiving day.

  1. What dish are you most looking forward to have for Thanksgiving dinner?

My mom always made broccoli rice casserole every year for Thanksgiving and since she passed away a few years ago, I never had the opportunity to get the recipe from her again.  She was very ill for a long time and lost her ability to remember things due to a rare form of Alzheimer’s disease called Pick’s disease.  When I met my husband, I lucked out because his mom always makes it for Thanksgiving.  Each year I look forward to eating this dish.  There are a few other favorites that I enjoy as well but the broccoli rice casserole is a long time favorite.

  1. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose to live? Why?

I enjoy living in Texas but I also wouldn’t mind living some where in FL.  I would love to be close to the beach and I would love not having to deal with snow/ice storms.

Don’t forget to visit Stacey at This Mommas Ramblings to see the questions that I asked her.  I hope that you have enjoyed my answers and learned some new things about me.

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Once you’ve check out my answers be sure to go by Penny at The Real Housewife of Caroline County to check out the LinkUp and all the awesome Bloggers who are also telling a bit about themselves today 10 questions at a time.

If you are interested in joining for the the next #AskAwayFriday, feel free to contact Penny or any of the other Bloggers already involved. I promise, you will get to meet and know some awesome Bloggers each week!