#ASKAWAYFriday with Jenessa from Mothering in Real Life

By Upliftingfam @upliftingfam

Thank goodness it’s Friday…#AskAwayFriday that is, the most amazing link up ever!

What is #AskAwayFriday? Well…#AskAwayFriday was created by the amazing Penny from Real Housewife of Caroline County and Amber from Bold Fit Mom, as a way to connect with other bloggers with a great Q & A session of 10 questions and 10 answers, between two bloggers! This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know others while allowing others to get to know you and of course there is also the added bonus of making great friends along the way which is one of the best parts of this online world!

Now welcoming our wonderful #AskAwayFriday hosts…

Tamara from Tamara Like Camera, Tiffany from Mrs. Tee Love Life Laughter, Christy from Uplifting Families, Stacey from This Momma’s Ramblings and Echo from The Mad Mommy
<a href=” http://thismommasramblings.com/” target=”_blank”><img src=” http://i1308.photobucket.com/albums/s608/ssgannett/2015badge_zps86242864.png” border=”0″ alt=” photo 2015badge_zps86242864.png”/></a>

This week I swapped with Jenessa from Mothering (In Real Life), she is married and has three beautiful children. Her blog is very encouraging and we have a lot in common. She has a wide variety of posts including fun activities for the kids, her struggles with depression, and finding the positive where you wouldn’t think its possible.

  1. What are you most looking forward to in 2015?

At the moment, I don’t have any big plans for 2015. This year I have am trying to get healthier and figure out if I can have surgery on my back. I have put it off for too long and I have decide its time to do something about it.

  1. What is cluttering your life? How do you plan to de-clutter?

My bed room has been cluttered for a long time and I really need to do something about it. I think that I will try to break it down into small sections and tackle a little bit at a time. Its the only way that I can accomplish tasks like this without over doing it.

  1. Share a sweet moment or story about each of your children.

I love it when my youngest son randomly comes up to me and tells me that he loves me out of the blue.

My oldest son bought everyone in our family/extended family candy for Christmas using his own money.

Last year my daughter was very brave and helped her bus driver out when she was in trouble. I was proud of my daughter stepping up and getting her bus driver the help that she needed without asking too many questions. She was able to save her bus drivers life. You can read the full story here.

  1. If you could snap your fingers right now and your wish would come true, what would you wish for?

I would wish for all of my pain to be gone. I know that this is a selfish request but it really puts a wrench in so many aspects of my life. It is so hard being in constant pain 24/7. This winter has been the worst.

  1. What are you afraid of?

I am scared to have back surgery but I know that it is one of the only things left to try and resolve my back pain.

  1. What is something you are really good at?

I have always been a quick learner when it comes to learning new things.

  1. Have you ever liked something in the past that you are embarrassed about now?

I used to like New Kids on the Block growing up. I really wanted to go to the concert with my neighbor and we ended up dancing in front of a group. We were trying to win tickets. Needless to say, we didn’t win.

  1. What advice would you give a full-time working mom who feels exhausted at the end of the day and is not giving all she should to her home life?

I haven’t worked outside of the home in several years. I personally got my kids involved in helping around the house because as a family we are a team and we have to work together to make the household operate smoothly. If you don’t know how to get your kids involved in helping around the house, I have a bunch of articles on ways to get your kids involved in helping with the chores.

  1. How do you plan for your blog? Do you use pen and paper or an electronic planner? Can you post a picture?

I actually blog by the seat of my pants. I probably need to come up with a calendar especially when I am super busy with deadlines. I will probably invest in a blogging planner one of these days. I always do my reviews in the order in which they were received unless there is a specific deadline.

  1. List your top 5 current favorite songs.

Oceans by Hillsong, Beautiful Things by Gungor, Forever by Kari Jobe, This is Amazing Grace by Phil Wickham, Forever Reign by Hillsong United

Be sure to check out our Facebook page “AskAwayFriday” for a great place to meet up and send out a #BuddyRequest if you need a partner to swap with!

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