#ASKAWAYFriday with Amber from The Bold Fab Mom

By Upliftingfam @upliftingfam

This is my sixth week participating in #ASKAWAYFriday.  For those who don’t know what #ASKAWAYFriday is, you exchange a set of 10 questions for another blogger to answer. Below are 10 questions that Amber asked me and I hope that you enjoy my answers.

This week I paired up with a long time Twitter follower and friend, Amber, from The Bold Fab Mom.  Amber is married.  She has two beautiful boys and a step-son.  You can find a wide variety of topics on her blog including: reviews, giveaways, health and fitness tips, and health challenges.  Did you know that you are more likely to follow through with your weight loss and fitness goals if you have an accountability partner?  If you are planning on making a New Years resolution to lose weight or start a new healthy lifestyle, you should visit her blog and sign up for her challenge group.

  1. I love reading all your helpful posts on parenting!  Why did you begin Uplifting Families?

Uplifting Families gives me the opportunity to blog about a wider range of topics and to help more families.  You can find the following topics on my blog:  pregnancy,breastfeeding, parenting, reviews, and all things family related.  I enjoy helping other families and sharing my knowledge with others.  I started blogging full time when I was laid off from my job in July of 2012 due to my own medical issues.  I wanted something to keep me busy and I wanted something that would help me take the focus off of my own problems.  I suffer from chronic low back pain and it prevents me from working a regular job with set hours.  Blogging gives me the flexibility and opportunities that the corporate world doesn’t offer.

  1. What is your favorite blog post that you have written?

Since I suffer from chronic pain and have trouble bending down to do normal household chores, one afternoon I asked my toddler to help me with the laundry.  As I was getting him to help me with sorting the laundry, I dawned on me.  I Googled the idea and came up empty handed so I decided that this idea this would make an excellent blog post.   I wanted to give other mom’s and dad’s some great suggestions on how to get their children to help with household chores and it is a great education assignment too.  You can read it here: How to Turn Laundry Into a Learning Opportunity.  Some of my other favorite posts include: Should Kids be Given an Allowance for Doing Household Chores, Each one of my Children’s Birth stories, and 15 Tips to Help Dad Bond with Their Newborn Baby.

  1. Christmas is less than a week away! (Yippee!) Are you as excited as I am or are you ready to get it over with?

I am excited because this year my youngest son is actually able to understand what Christmas is about.  This is his third Christmas but the first two he didn’t really understand what was going on because he was too young.  A few weeks ago while we were trapped at home during the ice storm, my youngest son asked me if he could go see Santa Claus.  I was shocked because I didn’t think he would want to visit with Santa.  After all most kids are terrified to sit on Santa’s lap.   When he saw Santa Claus for the first time, he was kinda shy at first but he finally told Santa what he wanted for Christmas.  The only thing he asked for was a set of drums.  I can’t wait to see his facial expression when he sees what Santa Claus brings him for Christmas.  This time of year is fairly busy for our family and we often have several Christmas get together from now until New Years Day.  We also attend church as a family, usually we go to the late service at 11:00 pm.   I always try to embrace this time of the year because it goes by so fast and I want my kids to know the real reason why we celebrate Christmas.  Christmas isn’t about all of the gifts or  busyness but it is about our Savior, Jesus Christ, being born.

  1. My oldest son and my step son both asked for “singing and talking” tablets this Christmas.  They’re talking about the Nabi 2.  What big presents did your children ask for this year?

My older kids asked for a Wii U for Christmas and my youngest son asked for a set of drums.  They didn’t have a long list this year but typically the older my kids get the more expensive the gifts gets.

  1. What is one special thing that you and your family do for Christmas every year?

Christmas eve we always attend a church service to celebrate the birth of baby Jesus.

  1. Any exciting New Year’s Eve plans?

We always spend time at home together and invite our extended family over.  I usually pick up some snacks from the grocery store to munch and play board games or watch movies.  We wait up until midnight and we watch the ball drop on television.

  1. What is the 1 thing you can not live without?(besides your hubby and children )

It would be a tie between my cell phone and laptop.  They are both my lifeline and keep me connected, after all I am a blogger.  Plus, I also enjoy playing games, reading books, and catching up on social media on both devices.

  1. What is your guilty pleasure?  Mine is cheesecake.

I love sweets so you name it I probably enjoy it.  A few of my favorites are cheesecake, mint chocolate chip or cookie dough ice cream, candy, oreo cookies, chocolate chip cookies, and anything that has chocolate in it.

  1. What is the best piece of parenting advice you can give us?

I have tons of great advice on my blog but my favorite advice to new parents: “cherish every moment possible with your baby, they don’t stay small for long and you will miss the cuddles, coos, and sweet baby noises.”  I love watching my kids grow up but I admit I miss being able to snuggle with my kids on my terms.  My kids do enjoys snuggles but it is usually on their terms.

  1. What is 1 random thing about you that most others don’t know?

I used to play indoor soccer and had to quit playing due to my back problems.  I miss playing and exercising on a regular basis.

Don’t forget to visit Amber at The Bold Fab Mom to see the questions that I asked her.  I hope that you have enjoyed my answers and learned some new things about me.

To get weekly updates to Uplifting Families, please subscribe to my newsletter or join in the conversation with me on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and G+.

Once you’ve check out my answers be sure to go by Penny at The Real Housewife of Caroline County to check out the LinkUp and all the awesome Bloggers who are also telling a bit about themselves today 10 questions at a time.

If you are interested in joining for the the next #AskAwayFriday, feel free to contact Penny or any of the other Bloggers already involved. I promise, you will get to meet and know some awesome Bloggers each week!

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