The answers are varied and fascinating to me, especially since using social media causes me to break out into hives!
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Julie from Chapter Break: I tend to use twitter more than other social media because it is quick and instant, though it is much easier for posts to get buried. Facebook has been good lately for interactive posts and questions where it can show up in people’s feed later and continue getting replies.
I set up a Pinterest account but haven’t used it in a while. When I did use it, it was more to keep track of books I found on other blogs. Oddly enough, I get a lot of hits on a post that someone else pinned.
I’m on Twitter just about every day but use it more to stay connected with blogging friends than to actually promote my blog. To be honest, I find it annoying when people use it only for self promotion.Follow Kathy on Twitter | Facebook
Jamie from Books and Beverages: My top two are Twitter and Facebook. Twitter helps to connect with blog friends, authors, publishers, etc. I’ve gone through phases a with Facebook page. I used to have a separate page for my blog (a different blog), but then deleted. So I use my personal page as my blog page. It’s a personal decision, but my self-made rule is I don’t post anything on social media I wouldn’t tell a stranger on a plane, so it works for me. Whenever I start thinking about making a page, I think of all the settings/changes Facebook likes to do and think: ain’t no one got time for that! Well, at least not me. :)
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And me? I’m not a big fan of Facebook ~ I have somewhat kept up with it because my kids are on there and I can see what is going on in their lives via FB. I go in spurts with using it for interacting with readers. I wish I was better at it.
I am more involved on Twitter and learning how to use it better thanks to the lovely ladies on the Advisory Board of the Inspys, Hootsuite, Buffer and a phone app that pings when I’m tagged in a tweet.
I am a big fan of Pinterest. It’s fun and I get so caught up in it (kind of like reading a great book!). I play on Pinterest rather than using it for blog promotion. . .and honestly, all of these I tend to use more in a personal way rather than a promotion aspect. I have it set up to automatically post new blog posts on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ but for the most part I use Twitter like Kathy, to connect with other bloggers. I am so impressed with book blogs I come upon that are bang up great at making pinnable images, Tweets that are so interesting, and Facebook posts that inspire me to join in on the conversation.
Now how about YOU, Lovely Reader? What social media do you use the most? Any problems you’ve encountered with Facebook or really any of the Big 5? Leave your favorite social media contact info in your comments so we can follow you as well! Go have an awesome week and read some great books!