Asheville Bids on Ironman, Asheville Man Says No Reason to Give a Rich Tony Stark More Money

Posted on the 03 April 2013 by Citizenthymes @citizenthymes

ASHEVILLE- As a proud conservative Asheville resident Mike Taylor believes the wealthy should be rewarded for their success and not penalized by the government through more taxes.

But at the same time Taylor doesn’t think the reward should come from the government in a form of a subsidy.

So when Taylor found out that Asheville and Buncombe County is submitting a bid to bring an Ironman event to Asheville in 2014, Taylor crapped his Marvel boxers.

Is spending money to bring in Tony Stark really a waste of money?

“Why in the world would the government give Tony Stark, a billionaire, money to host an event here?” said Taylor.

“I think Stark is more than capable of affording his own events. What a waste of taxpayers’ money? How about you get somebody in Asheville to threaten to blow up the planet with a nuclear bomb instead? You could get Ironman to come here for free if that happened.”

Buncombe commissioners approved $40,000 yesterday to contribute to an effort to bring an Ironman event to Asheville. This is on top of the $75,000 the Buncombe County Tourism and Development Authority awarded to Ben VanCamp, executive director of the Asheville Buncombe Regional Sports Commission to try to attract an Ironman event.

The $115,000 bid is beyond mind boggling for Taylor.

Should Asheville bring in Captain America instead?

“The war hawk in me wants to be proud Asheville wants to bring in a weapons dealer like Stark to Asheville, but it just seems like a giant waste of money,” said Taylor.

“Also if you are going to bring in an Avenger, why not bring in one that would make Ronald Reagan proud? Bring in Captain America instead.”

The $115,000 would be chump change for Stark. Stark as executive of Stark Industries and through inheritance is estimated to have a net worth of $9.3 billion according to the 2012 Forbes Fictional 15, Forbes Magazine’s list of the 15 richest people in the realm of fiction.

Stark’s connection to the Ironman event, a competitive triathlon including a 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike ride, and a 26.2-mile run, remains unclear.

“I’m not aware Stark has any connection with the Ironman triathlon,” said VanCamp, executive director of Asheville Buncombe Regional Sports Commission.

“Mr. Taylor is aware Ironman and Tony Stark are fictional characters?”

Taylor is not aware Ironman is a fictional character and if anyone tries to prove Ironman is not real, Taylor will punch that individual in the face, with his officially licensed Incredible Hulk hands.