As Windows Phone Not Getting Much Attraction Microsoft Plans Its Own Smartphone for Windows Phone 8

Posted on the 02 October 2012 by Mirchimart @Chilbuli_Guide

Microsoft earlier this year announces surface tablet with Windows 8. Now the news are coming that Microsoft is developing the phone which would be launched with windows phone 8. It’s been speculated since the reveal of the Surface tablet and Microsoft themselves have tried to squash the rumor, but speaking to an anonymous source.

Microsoft is quietly working on an own-brand smartphone that will compete directly with high-end devices like Apple’s (AAPLiPhone 5 and Samsung’s Galaxy S III, and also with Windows Phones built by its own vendor partners, of course.”

According to the Sources the handset is in the final stages of the development and will launched in coming months according to some sources microsoft will launch its smartphone under the name surface and it will be available in the market in the first half of 2013. stay tuned for more uodates Source- BGR