As The WikiLeaks Movie Gets Set To Open 2 Domainers, Schilling & Howe Get Ready To Cash In

Posted on the 08 October 2013 by Worldwide @thedomains

As the movie about WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange entitled The Fifth Estate, whose URL is, is getting ready to open 0n October 18, two well known domainers are primed to make some money off the movie which is already getting a lot of buzz.

Frank Schilling’s Name Administration owns the domain name while my Domain Sherpa weekly domain investor co-star Page Howe owns the domain

The term Fifth Estate is known to be a generic term that relates to journalism.

According to, the Fifth Estate, is used to describe media outlets (including the blogosphere) that see themselves in opposition to mainstream media.

Both of the domain names are already getting traffic according to Alexa. according to Alexa has a ranking of 13.3 million while the domain name which is a direct match of the name of the movie,has a higher Alexa Ranking of 10.8 Million.

The official website of the movie has an Alexa Ranking of 2.6 Million.

Expect traffic on all of these domains to pick up as the movie opens a week from Friday.

Its another example of what could happen when you register a domain name of a well known term or phrase as opposed to a made up word or phrase.
