As the S.S. Trump Sinks...the Rats Are Deserting the Ship

Posted on the 12 November 2017 by Rfschatten @RFSchatten
By RF Schatten
In the end…all great Political Puzzles are uncovered with the same expected conclusion; the presumed guilty, are always inevitably guilty…and to the very surprise of no one! 
We have reached the point of the Trump/Russia Investigation, whereas one might say; The Plot Thickens!Enter, for the first time into the public limelight, George Papadopoulos. George who??According to the White House; "a Campaign Volunteer with an extremely limited role". Well, I guess he's the type of "volunteer with extremely limited role" who gets rewarded by sitting as an Advisor on the National Security Affairs Council!...and all as a Junior Staffer?!?!
Trying to dismiss his importance in the campaign, the White House and Michael Caputo, Trump's communications advisor during the campaign, dismissed Papadopoulos as a  "junior, very junior, staffer" who "never really landed on the campaign."
You can't dismiss a man as a "very junior staffer" when this man actually traveled incognito to Greece, on behalf of the Trump Campaign…and had a private meeting with Vladimir Putin! This so-called "Coffee Boy", had a chair as part of Trump's National Security Affairs Council, and participated in talks about Russian assistance, with Sessions & Trump present at meetings.He was an eager beaver "volunteer". A Campaign Foreign Policy Advisor, who would do whatever would help Trump, and eager for "Brownie Points" & accolades by his boss. A perfect mark used to the max by Russian Intel…the perfect gung-ho, "low level" staffer to keep it all under the radar.
But George Papadopoulos isn't the only character in Chapter 2 of the plot…he was indicted, pleaded guilty, agreed to be wired, and is singing like a Canary!Two more indictments went to Paul Manafort and his business partner, Rick Gates, for Money Laundering. They pleaded "Not Guilty"…but Money Laundering won't be the last thing with Manafort!
Meanwhile, the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place…enter Sam Clovis; Radio Talk Show Host, and the man who admitted he has absolutely no Science credentials whatsoever, yet Trump nominated him as the USDA's top "Scientist". Clovis was a Senior Foreign Policy Advisor during the Campaign…and the person who recommended Papadopoulos to the Campaign. Apparently, his involvement as a top campaign advisor and his knowledge of the Russian's approach to helping the Trump Campaign, puts him in hot water with the Mueller Team, and consequently dropped out of the USDA job!
The next piece of the puzzle, also recommended by Clovis…and also another campaign "Foreign Policy Advisor"…you have the weird and brash Carter Page. This character has pleaded the 5th Amendment more times than you can count, with Mueller…and he knows that indictments are coming his way. He's cooperating, as is Clovis!
But the player considered the major catch in this investigation, so far, will be former National Security Director Mike Flynn, who along with his son, has been caught red-handed with their hands in the cookie jar. They may be indicted for "Conspiracy against the United States"…that's Treason! Will Flynn sing? or accept Treason and its default penalty…death?It's said that he made a plea, in order to save his son…and is talking! But no plea for himself has been granted, yet!
And it's not only the Family Flynn!...expect indictments on Donny Jr, Sessions, Jared Kushner, and probably Felix Sater. At list 9 officials associated with the Trumpster has ties to Russia (and that's not counting at least 3/4 of the Cabinet)…coincidence? 
Another Campaign Policy Advisor & National Security Affairs Council member, JD Gordon, really don't want to serve time or have any allegiance to Trump…and publicly admitted that Trump very well 'knew' George P. was plotting with the Russians!
The latest News? Mueller has at least seven more new Sealed Indictments with dozens of multiple charges, filed in the US District Court for DC! The Flynns also have Sealed Indictments in the US District Court for Eastern Virginia.
Now, Trump is going bonkers trying to convince America and the World that Putin is really a nice decent fellow, who just happens to be misunderstood! An honorable man who will never lie?!?!Here you have a man who worships Vladimir Putin, an Enemy of the United States and a cold-blooded Assassin…and takes his word over his own country's Intelligence Community, even mocking them as Political Hacks…Trump's disrespectful words about his own Country, especially in front of the World, is totally disgraceful! They're words that are generally spoken out of the mouths of Traitors!!
"People will die if the Trump/Russia Investigation continue? A true sense of desperation is haunting Donny these days! What did he mean by "People will Die"? That's the problem!...who really fully understands or believes what this fat "old" man, ever says? 
When you hire scumbags and grifters…their "loyalty" will remain as far as the outside of the front gates of Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary!  Mueller's Noose is really beginning to tighten around the White House and around the Trumpster, himself…the S.S. Trump has started to take on water! And not soon enough for all the Rats to start deserting this sinking ship! 

As the Trump/Russia Investigation continues, we can now safely say that Mueller is measuring the Trumpster for a new Jumpsuit! You know, Orange Jumpsuits are the latest fashion craze of life inside the Pen…at least, we can all say; Donald Trump will be color coordinated from head to toe!

Unhinged Donald Trump insists "people will die" if the Trump-Russia investigation continues - Palmer Report