as Soon as

Posted on the 15 April 2023 by Idioms

as soon as


  • immediately after.
  • early enough.
  • at the very moment.
  • instantly
  • just after something.

Example Sentences

  1. As soon as the teacher left the class, she started making noise.
  2. It started raining as soon as we reached home.
  3. We had all prepared for the party, but as soon as we were done, the host called to postpone it.
  4. I admire that house, and as soon as I get money, I will build a similar one.
  5. I have been unwell, but as soon as I felt better, I reported to school.
  6. They dislike his speech, so as soon as he stood up to talk, everyone walked out of the hall.
  7. As soon as the teacher realized he had carried the wrong book, he sent me to pick the right one for him.
  8. I will be on my way as soon as I complete this assignment.
  9. I thought he was joking, but as soon as he held him by the collar, I realized he was not.
  10. He got into the bus as soon as he reached the bus stop.


The phrase "as soon as" has been in use since Shakespeare's time, in the 15th century, and he used it on several occasions. This phrase is also used after adding another word to form the phrase "as soon as possible," which was first published in 1954 in The Greatest Airlift by Captain Annis G. Thompson. "As soon as" is a common phrase widely used to date.