As Respect for Marriage Act Passes Senate, Religious Groups (Even Mormons) Support It — But Not U.S. Catholic Bishops

Posted on the 01 December 2022 by William Lindsey @wdlindsy

PRRI, "New Survey Shows Strong Support for LGBTQ Rights Championed in the Equality Act"

As the Respect for Marriage Act gained Senate confirmation, Shawna Chen wrote ("Over 20 religious groups call on Senate to codify same-sex marriage") about the more than twenty religious groups that urged the Senate to protect same-sex and interracial marriages. Chen ended her report by stating, 

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has also notably expressed support for the bill.

Even the Mormons: the religious groups calling on the Senate to codify same-sex marriage included even the Mormons, who do not appove of same-sex marriage but want the rights of LGBTQ people respected, they say.

Mormons vote heavily Republican.

Even the Mormons told the Senate that there are strong religious reasons to protect the rights of same-sex couples.

But not the U.S. Catholic bishops.

They continue to lobby to have LGBTQ people stripped of rights, though a large majority of Catholics support LGBTQ rights and same-sex marriage. 

Why do they behave this way? Scapegoating LGBTQ people diverts attention away from the bishops' horrendous moral and pastoral failure in the abuse crisis.

The bishops also dance to the tune of wealthy right-wing Catholics who want to attack and undermine Pope Francis because of his rehabilitation of Catholic social teaching — and scapegoating the LGBTQ community is a big part of the agenda of those wealthy right-wing U.S. Catholics.

This is a disgrace for U.S. Catholicism. Nick Fuentes, an outspoken white supremacist and anti-semite Holocaust denier who dined with former president and now presidential candidate Donald Trump recently, is a Catholic and has stated that his toxic political views are rooted in his Catholicism.

Will the U.S. Catholic bishops speak out about him? I am not holding my breath until they do so.