As Inspired by...Celine SS'12

By Vitadimoda @Maria_Litizia
Celine SS'12
As you may have noticed, I have kinda of went AWOL since Thursday and that is due to the fact that I am taking a long weekend off in Paris to celebrate my 21st. However, seeing as I had been pretty much posting every day since last weekend, I felt I was neglecting the blog with a lack of posts, or information to keep you guys updated - so I apologise for that! When I arrive home on Sunday evening, I will be sure to upload some photos from my trip and do a little post to let you all know what I've been getting up to: Until then, I thought I would slip in a post on a particular trend that I am thinking about delving deeper into this Spring/Summer - Sharp Whites.

Celine SS'12
Image via Vogue

I was inspired to try out/write a post on this trend on Thursday when my May issue of Vogue arrived in the post. As part of the issue, there was a mini 48 page spread on current trends for the season, in association with H&M. One of said trends happened to be Sharp Whites - a trend which was inspired by Celine's SS'12 collection. Usually, I tend to find all white outfits intimidating and risky. Purely because I look at the crisp, clean fabrics and think, "oh god, everything that leaves a mark is just going to gravitate towards me if I wear that!". However, after having another look at Celine's collection and the items chosen for the feature in Vogue, I'm starting to think that maybe I want to give it another chance - especially seeing as I'll be going to Sorrento, Italy in the Summer and the weather tends to get particularly warm and humid. So, having said that, I decided to put together a little set on Polyvore to show you some of my picks for the Sharp White's trend: Enjoy! As always, you can view the set over at my profile where you will also be able to see which stores stock the items featured.