As I Get Greyer

By Biolaephesus60 @biolaephesus

You know, there is something about getting gray. I always looked forward to getting gray. It makes me feel old. I always wanted to be old. I remember in my younger days, like 40 years back, I would simply admire my maternal grandma. Almost no teeth. gaps between her smiles, happiness got stuck on her face. I loved her a lot. There was a simplicity in her life. She would stare at me in awe and I would see the wonder in her eyes when I visited in my skimpy dress. There was concern that I would catch a cold. She would ask after me anxiously and wondered why I had a bird’s appetite.
My mother would laugh and say it was the new fangles fashion of eating sparingly. I would just laugh and hugged Grandma tight.
I was always curious and would ask endless questions. She never complained. It was thus very easy to visit her when she passed on. They gave her a simple room with minimal furniture and she seemed happy when I visited her. I talked about the tunnel then and I had joy explaining what could happen when the tunnel gets filled with lights. We talked about my mother and so many things. I have not visited again because she has moved to another part of existence. She may have even returned
So I am gray with strands of black in the gray. My grandchildren sometimes sit and watch me at the computer typing with maybe two fingers or picking out the letter. My grandson wonders why I never seem to stop typing or whatever, he is a wizard at dismantling things and putting them together, he wants to be a vet but for now, has a roomful of his comic drawings
What would it be like when I get to have y gray go really white like my grandma’s?
In today’s unwinding misery, will there be happy tales for me to tell my grandchildren? I am just one figure in a world that has lost its way home and we all stagger in the dark in the empty market place.
Even the ancients are now afraid to come out and dance in the market square in the varied costumes as masquerades
The ancients don’t have the internet and don’t know how to spell scam, or any of the strange words in the vocabulary of today’s