As America Waits for Ferguson Grand Jury Decision, Obama Has Secret Meeting with Protest Leaders to “stay on Course”

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

The grand jury’s decision on whether to prosecute white Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson for the shooting on August 9 of black 300-lb 18-year-old Michael Brown is expected sometime this week.

Michael Brown (l); Darren Wilson (r)

Demonstrators have been mobbing the St. Louis County Courthouse all last week.

Yesterday, demonstrators actually staged a die-in — laying in the middle of a street in University City, Mo., near Ferguson.

Ferguson protesters already had looted over 100 businesses in the St. Louis area, but the Justice for Mike Brown protest group released a list of new potential targets that includes not just the expected Ferguson City Hall and the County Courthouse, but also targets like Anheuser Busch and Boeing that have NOTHING to do with the Michael Brown situation.

As the Ferguson police and police nationwide brace themselves for unrest, they should know that none other than their big boss, the president of the United States, is playing puppet master, orchestrating and planning with protest leaders.

On November 5, the day after the midterm elections that delivered him a stunning blow from the electorate, Obama met with Ferguson protest leaders to ensure that they “stay on course” — whatever that means. (See “Beware of Obama, the wounded vengeful narcissist”)

The meeting was not on Obama’s daily schedule, which means the American public aren’t supposed to know about the meeting. That, in turn, means the meeting is supposed to be a secret.

Buried in a long New York Times article on Ferguson, Nov. 16, 2014, is this fascinating piece of information (colored red below):

[Protest] leaders here [Ferguson] acknowledge that there are disagreements about what form of response is fitting and whether militant acts might spill over into violence.

At least one group has said on Twitter that it was offering a reward for information on the whereabouts of the officer, Darren Wilson, and, at another point, that it was “restocking on 7.62 & 9 mm ammo.” 

[...] About 50 organizations…have joined forces in a “Don’t Shoot Coalition,” and the level of planning is intense…. some leaders say they intend to carry out their acts of protest even if the grand jury brings charges against Officer Wilson to show that the issues raised by this case reach beyond a single shooting.

At times, there has been a split between national civil rights leaders and the younger leaders on the ground here, who see their efforts as more immediate, less passive than an older generation’s….

Some of the national leaders met with President Obama on Nov. 5 for a gathering that included a conversation about Ferguson.

According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating. He said he hopes that we’re doing all we can to keep peace.”

Obama said he hopes that protest organizers are doing all they can to keep peace?

What a load of bovine excrement!

Demonstrations began immediately after Michael Brown’s death on Aug. 9, and have continued nearly every night since. Some of the protests became violent. Stores were looted. Demonstrators threw gasoline bombs and tried to set fires. The police used tear gas and rubber bullets.

That’s what Obama means by the Ferguson demonstrators “staying on course.”

H/t Gateway Pundit

See also:

  • Obama has DHS agents in Ferguson; pays protesters to justify martial law
  • Autopsy of Mike Brown shows he did not have his hands up when shot
  • Ferguson cop Darren Wilson sustained injuries to his face
  • To Obama, a black punk is more important than a U.S. general or a prime minister (on Obama sending 3 currently-serving White House officials to attend Michael Brown’s funeral)
  • Marine veteran requires brain surgery from assault by 20 blacks angry about Ferguson
