Arx Pax Hendo - Marty McFly's Singing-floating Hover Board Arrives - the Critics Will Pan It.

Posted on the 23 October 2014 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN
1) "'s nothing like Marty McFly's actual Back to the Future hoverboard."
2) "...and you'll need a metal road to ride it on."
that's what the whining-moron critics will say... not realising that modern cars work sufficiently well on 'their' specially laid roads. All this'll take is a few sheets of metal laid over the tarmac surface of The Profit Empire's ever-crumbling road network and then all our cars are (rather noisy) FLOATING CARS. Then we can all live in the gorgeous target-advertised thought-crime-prevented future-prison-cities of Steven Spielberg's MINORITY REPORT. Hell, yeah! Sign me up for that nasty soon-shithole right now.
The Hendo relies on the simple concept of using magnets to levitate the hoverboard over a metal surface, but the requirement of a special surface means you won’t be floating over water or concrete any time soon.
Founded by Jill and Greg Henderson, the Hendo uses their proprietary Magnetic Field Architecture system to focus the magnetic field so that the board can support the rider and cause the Hendo to hover over a 1-inch cushion of air. [source INFOWARS]