ARTmonday: “The Texture of Light” at Da Fonseca Contemporania

By Stylecarrot @StyleCarrot

Last weekend we spent a few days in Delray Beach. The weather and the timing were both perfect. My colleague Mike Carroll, who represents several of our Webster & Company artists at Schoolhouse Gallery in Provincetown and who is also an abstract artist, had an opening at the Fort Lauderdale gallery da Fonseca Contemporania. 

da Fonseca Contemporania owner Aster da Fonseca (whose work is also worth a look) curated “The Texture of Light” with geometric abstracts by a trio of artists: Babette Herschberger, Mike Carroll, and Regina Jestrow. I loved the entire show.

M I K E  C A R R O L L 

Artist Mike Carroll, who has studios in Provincetown and Fort Lauderdale works in oil on wood panel.

“Apotropaic”  and  “Parapraxis”





B A B E T T E   H E R S C H B E R G E R 

Miami-based artist Babette Herschberger works in collaged layers of paper and paint on wood panel or canvas.

“Interrupted Structure #12”
“Collage Painting #39”  and  “Collage Painting #36”

Far left: “Interrupted Structure #16”

“Interrupted Structure #7”  and  “Interrupted Structure #17”

R E G I N A  J E S T R O W

Miami-based artist Regina Jestrow works in watercolor and acrylic with embroidery thread.

“Pink Quilt #2”

“Grid in Blue 1”

“Grid in Blue 2”

Left: Regina Jestrow   |   Right: Babette Herschberger

All photos by Marni Elyse Katz/StyleCarrot

“The Texture of Light,” February 15 to March 18, 2017 (closing reception that evening) at da Fonseca Contemporania, 2201 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors (Fort Lauderdale), Florida.