ARTmonday: Signs of Spring

By Stylecarrot @StyleCarrot

Although it’s rather slushy in Boston, it is indeed late March and there are signs of impending springtime. Buds on the magnolia trees along Commonwealth Avenue, crocuses pushing up in front gardens, street sweeping (well actually, that was cancelled today due to the weather).

If you need a bit of a lift on this less than sunny day, how about some spring art? Here are 15 artworks that depict springtime, from birds to green trees to pastel hues.

Rose-breasted Grosbeak•Amy Jean Porter•20×200

Muffin Top•Britt Bass Turner•  Artfully Walls

Flowers on a Table•Daniela Orlev•Artfully Walls

City Park•Susan Spangenberg•Artlifting

Animal Hybrid Series (Deerfly)•  Abby Goodman  •  Uprise Art

Spring•Disparity By Design UK•Society6

Grey Murmur Two•Kal Mansur•Uprise Art

from SPRING•Jenna Bauer•Saatchi Art

Butterfly Chair•Karen Barbour•20×200

Fennec Fox On BlueCatherine Ledner• Green Box Art

Decor•Sarah Eisenlohr•Society6

From the Flora series•  Tess Atkinson

Green Branches•Tod Seelie• 20×200

One Spring Day•Yukari Kaihori•Saatchi Art

Adagio•Ellen Levine Dodd•Serena & Lily