ARTmonday: Pools in Art

By Stylecarrot @StyleCarrot

When we’re in Florida, I get to stare out at a pool when I work all day, until my son finally gets me to abandon my computer and venture in. (Mainly so I can throw the football with him. Yes, I can throw and catch a football.) At 92 degrees, it was bath-like and blissful. It’s funny, because until recently, my kids had only been swimming in outdoor pools a couple of times. Now, it’s such a huge treat having one right outside our door a few weeks a year. The condo complex has a bit of a retro feel too. Not exactly Miami Deco, or David Hockney mid-century modern, but  Here are 20 artworks with pools, starting with the classic Hockney.

David Hockney

Daniel Heidkamp

Laurie Rollitt

Cali Sales

Jiro Bevis

Yoko Honda

Jorey Hurley

Paul Davies

Marta Sławińska

Lizzy Stewart

L. Tillman

Marine Marbleindex


Theodore Parks

Lulu DK

Lucy Snow

Tom McKinley

Rankin Willard

Juan de la Rica

Ieva Baklane

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