ARTmonday: My Instagram Pics

By Stylecarrot @StyleCarrot

With all my Instagramming of late, there have been a few photos I’ve been thinking about getting printed. Experience tells me, though, that the prints won’t look great; they’ll either be too blurry, or too glossy, or just not a good enough image. I could go through a high end printing place, but I have another idea—canvas prints.

Recently Canvas Republic got in touch about its service of transferring one’s own photos to canvas. (They also sell ready made canvas print artwork, including abstracts, florals, and pop art prints. It got me thinking that maybe I should try it. I rifled through Instagram images I’ve saved over the past year.

Do you think any are worthy of transferring to canvas (or to a high end print)?

Amelia’s Lights

Peony Explosion

Pink Lady

Out On the Esplanade

Dance Glow

Copper Colander

Pret a Manger

Rose Tangled in Beach Grass

Salmon Bites

Seersucker And Such


Lunch at Louis’

Socks Rolled Down