ARTmonday: Kishore Kumar’s Flora & Fauna Paintings

By Stylecarrot @StyleCarrot

Oftentimes the best stuff comes through referrals by friends and friends of friends and the like. Earlier this month Anu Gulati, who works in alternative healing and is acquainted with Heidi Pribell, who is a designer I work with, emailed me about a social enterprise project she’s started to support Indian artists. Little did she know my graduate work was in Indian art. That said, I know almost nothing about contemporary Indian artists, but am eager to learn.

I fell instantly in love with pen and ink flower drawings by Kishore Kumar, and sent a link right over to David Webster at Webster & Company in the Boston Design Center for the Webster Art Project I’m helping to curate. He loves them too, and we can’t wait until the pieces arrive in the States. Meanwhile, I want to share Kishore Kumar’s colorful acrylic on canvas paintings of flowers and plants.

Kumar grew up in a small village in India, where he became very interested in plants, nature, and art. Despite economic pressures and the responsibility of being the only son, his parents supported his passions and Kishore joined Khairagarh Indira Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya, Asia’s first university dedicated to the musical and performing arts, and from which he graduated six years ago. Today, Kishore Kumar lives and works in New Delhi and has exhibited his work in India, China, and the United Staes. 

Contemporary Indian Artist Kishore Kumar's Flower Paintings

Kishore Kumar, Spring Season 3

Contemporary Indian Artist Kishore Kumar's Flower Paintings

Kishore Kumar, Foliage 1

Contemporary Indian Artist Kishore Kumar's Flower Paintings

Kishore Kumar, Celebration

Kishore Kumar, Foliage 4

Kishore Kumar, Moon Night

Kishore Kumar, Hanging Memories of Summer

Kishore Kumar, Early Spring

Kishore Kumar, Patralata 3

Kishore Kumar, Patralata 1

Kishore Kumar, Spring Season 4

Kishore Kumar, Spring Season

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