ARTmonday: 9 Figures In States of Undress In the Snow

By Stylecarrot @StyleCarrot

I started off aiming for beautiful but slightly edgy snowy landscape images. But when I came across a snowy nude, and then another, I thought, why not? My son wants to know why I’m putting up porn on my blog. I told him, “This is art.”

Here are nine snowy landscape images, or more specifically, nine artworks with figures (not just women, though mostly women) in various states of undress in snowy landscapes. Captions provided for your entertainment. Happy night before a snow day.

Snow Angel  •  Rebecca Handler
Starting at $16.99 at Society6

She wandered out from her verandah in her peignoir, forgetting she was no longer in the Carolinas.

Fractal Snow •Paul Coker
$150 at Saatchi Art

I thought these were bare-nekked Barbie dolls planted in the snow. Nope, seems to be a real live woman, silhouetted and pasted in the landscape ad infinitum.

 Warm Winter  •  Ilona Shevchishina$600 at Saatchi Art

It’s flaming hair Barbie. I thought “real women” didn’t really look like this. Photoshop? Starvation diet? And what’s with the picnic while the ground is still thawing?

Lost in Thought  •  Luca De Santis
$400 at Saatchi Art

And here we get a guy. In black & white. Buttocks only.

Growth •DiggieVittStarting at $28.08 at Society6

And what’s this tortured dude’s issue? He took a wrong turn on the way to Starbucks? Lamenting the lack of hair gel in heaven?

Snow Day Stray
Starting at $24.96 at Society6

First day of school photo. In Siberia. Please, someone cut that girl’s hair.

Snow WhiteTakaki Hashimoto$750 at Saatchi Art

Just trying out my new boots. They don’t seem to pinch.

The Tutu Project

This is the guy who roamed the nation in a tutu to amuse his sick spouse. For real.

Cheeky Aspen•Peter Rodger
$1,250 at Saatchi Art

Walk of shame. Given her tan lines, she hasn’t seen frost like this in a while.