It’s Marathon Monday here in Boston. The weather is gorgeous. There are tons of people out and about. It looks like it will be a very happy day. Here are ten artworks featuring runners in honor of The Boston Marathon. Enjoy your day off! (Yep, most of us get the day off on Marathon Monday.) Cheers.
Runner at Rest, 2015•Katherine Bradford
Fred Giampietro Gallery•Artsy
Pyongyang City Marathon, 2012•Ari Hatsuzawa
Museum of Contemporary Photography•Artsy
Track and Field •Nigel Parkinson, Jr.•Vango Art
Runners•Nicole McHugh•Society6
number 94 Black and White Marathon•Heather Blanton •Saatchi Art
Marathon•Luke O’Bray• Society6
Champion Girl•Alexandra Moskalenko•Saatchi Art
Wheelchair Marathoner•Sabino Caputo•Saatchi Art
I went running out into your yard•Christy Powers•Saatchi Art
Running boy•Pedro Abreu•Saatchi Art
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