Artist Makes Cute Celebrity Dolls Out of Ordinary Barbie Dolls

Posted on the 05 January 2015 by Nrjperera @nrjperera

Who said Barbie dolls are only good for children? This all grown up, talented repaint artist Noel Cruz was so in love with Barbie dolls, he started dressing them up as tiny adorable versions of Hollywood celebrities.


Noel has been repainting dolls into look like celebrities for a long time. He’s actually turned into full-time profession. After spending days repainting these dolls, he sells them on eBay. Some sold at $5100 (£3300).

Read Also: Real-Life Brazilian Ken Doll Gets His Own Line of Dolls

Check out some of his works after the jump and see if you can recognize them.



[Via: The Telegraph / Photos: Noel Cruz ]
(All images, trademarks shown on this post are the property of their respective owners)

Follow @nrjperera – Roshan Jerad Perera