Hello everyone, I hope all is well with you. I’ve been busy this week with work, writing, and running. I’m trying to keep in shape so when I get old, I’ll still be able to move.
But enough about that, today I’d like to talk about artificial intelligence. First, what is Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial intelligence is the intelligence of machines or software, as opposed to the intelligence of living beings, primarily of humans.
This new technique has all the creatives up in arms, especially writers, and understandably so. Unscrupulous people have found a way to use artificial intelligence to make money unethically. They copy an established author’s style and create books and sell them on Amazon using the author’s name and reputation to make money for themselves, not the author. It’s up to the author to somehow let their fanbase know the book is not one they’ve written. Check out Jane Friedman’s post here.
I Would Rather See My Books Get Pirated Than This (Or: Why Goodreads and Amazon Are Becoming Dumpster Fires)
There are ways for writers to protect themselves. They can familiarize themselves with Amazon’s policies on using AI. They can also trademark their work and their brand using Amazon’s Brand Registry.
Is there a way AI can be helpful to writers?
The answer to this question is yes. AI algorithms can be used to identify target audiences, crafting successful marketing campaigns, and tracking outcomes. I believe this is where authors can use AI to their advantage. So, there are some positives to Artificial Intelligence.
Another area where AI can be used is in gaming. That’s right. I see a huge future for AI in gaming. Right now, most games have a storyline, and the storyline changes based on the choices of the characters. It takes a long time to write different story lines, but with AI, it will cut the time to develop alternate storylines dramatically.
So, I do see positive potential for Artificial Intelligence in the creative community. I just have to figure out how to use it, to track my progress only. My books will always be all me. 😉
Thanks for stopping by and reading my post. How do you feel about Artificial Intelligence? Do you see it as a positive change or negative? Leave a comment! I’d love to hear from you!