
By Bertyc @bertyc
I've been very lucky recently. I was given an Art Pass so I can go and check out amazing art and exhibitions. I love visual art (who doesn't?) and have written about it badly in the past here.
Exhibitions I would like to see with my art pass:
The Man Ray exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery. I can remember staring at Man Ray's 'Tears' photograph whilst I was doing Photography A Level and thinking it was magical. How did those tears/glass balls stay on her face? Why are they so obviously fake?
I think it's safe to say you can't study photography and not have heard of Man Ray. He captured everyone: Pablo Picasso, Kiki de Montparnasse and Catherine Deneuve. I'd love to revisit some of those memories of learning about beautiful, inspiring, influential, radical photography.

David Bowie at the V&A. I feel like everyone has been talking about this exhibition and he wasn't a strong influence in my life but I know he was for others and I'd really like to go. Actually, I want to go and see anything at the V&A, I love it so much there.
You can get yourself an Art Pass here. I think it would make quite a cool present, too.