Arrrgh! Pirate Day is Herrrre!

By Designerdaddy @DesignerDaddy

I’ve been saving these photos fer a very special day, mateys… In case you don’t have the internet (and I’m hoping you do, so’s you can read this here post) today is International Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Here’s the whole fam, in full-ish pirate regalia.

Yup, that there’s Papa, getting in on the pirate action at a friend’s birthday (aboard the highly cheesy, but recommended Urban Pirates!). His appearances here on the blog are too infrequent, so he’s getting another shout out in the form of one of JJ’s favorite books, and a rare Papa-centric tome…

I Love My Pirate Papa, by Laura Leuck
Amazon, $12.09 harcover, $6.29 softcover, ages 4-8

JJ loves this book because it’s about pirates, and talks about adventures and treasure and burping. I love it because of the awesome and whimsical illustrations by Kyle M. Stone. But Papa loves this book because it’s all about a little boy and his loving Papa.

Enjoy yer day, ye scallywags!