Arrow Season 6 Poster Released

Posted on the 03 October 2017 by Entertainmentjolt @Entertain_Jolt

Great news for Arrow fans! The season 6 poster was FINALLY released!  The poster features a photo of Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) dressed as the Green Arrow getting ready to shoot his bow with the saying Live To Fight Another Day.  Oliver remains alone on this poster, likely due to the season 5 cliffhanger that left us unsure if the rest of the cast survived the explosion of Lian Yu.

What are your thoughts about the poster? Let us know below or tweet us @Entertain_Jolt.  And remember that the new season of Arrow starts on a new day and time on The CW on October 12 at 9/8pm.

Source: The CW
Photo Credit: The CW
Edited By: Shannon Villegas