A Passport for Adventurous Palates is my life. These are around the world recipes that reflect my travels and my bohemian take on recreating!
My Cookbook
Wander the world without leaving your kitchen! Popular blogger, chef, and TV darling Ally Phillips shares her favorite recipes from around the globe in this truly unique cookbook. Full of cultural background, delicious recipes, and mysignature food branching ideas, this cookbook is guaranteed to turn your ordinary meals into memorable masterpieces.
International Cooking
Today, the term bohemian describes someone with an unconventional, often dismissive, view of social structures and traditions. Modern boho encompasses trends from the beatnik and hippie eras when the cultural aesthetic was similar to the bohemians, and it still represents a counterculture spirit.
International cooking means that we have to embrace some ‘boho’ in ourselves in order expand our palates and our taste horizons. While we’re not discounting the traditional dishes that we grew up on and loved, we’re realizing that it’s big beautiful world. And, it’s defined by our common DNA, food and cooking.
International Cookbook
Ally’s Kitchen: A Passport for Adventurous Palates focuses on the international foods that I’ve come across in my decades of traveling.
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