Around 85 Percent of Canadians Haven’t Taken an Internet Break in the Last Year: Report

Posted on the 09 July 2019 by Vinhta

Around 85 percent of Canadians haven't gone off the grid, which means spending a week offline, in the last year, according to a recent report from the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA).

Additionally, only one in five Canadians have disconnected for eight continuous hours in the last year.

The report also found that three-quarters of Canadians surf the internet while they watch TV. Interestingly, 46 percent of people admitted to using their phones while they're in the bathroom.

The internet is changing Canadians lives in several aspects, according to the report. Around 22 percent of people surveyed found their job online. Similarly, around 10 percent found their spouse online. Further, 16 percent found their home online, while nine percent completed their education online.

The report also found that British Columbia has the fastest average internet speeds in Canada with 52.28Mbps, while Alberta sits in second place with 52.14Mbps.

"We see major leaps in internet connectivity happening all across the country but we still have a ways to go," said Jacques Latour, the chief technology officer at CIRA, in a press release.

The information from this report was obtained through an online survey of 2,050 Canadians. The survey took place in March 2019, and the sample is proportionate-to-population for age, gender, and province. The report does not indicate a margin of error.

Source: Canadian Internet Registration Authority