Armie Hammer Deleted His Twitter After Calling a Critical Buzzfeed Article ‘bitter AF’

Posted on the 28 November 2017 by Sumithardia

Armie Hammer deleted his Twitter after calling a critical Buzzfeed article ‘bitter AF’

On Sunday, Buzzfeed published an article called “Ten Long Years of Trying to Make Armie Hammer Happen.” The Buzzfeed piece was not a traditional interview or a glossy profile, or even a non-traditional review of Hammer’s latest Oscar-buzzy film, Call Me By Your Name. The article was more an analysis of how Armie Hammer is a good-looking but mediocre white guy who has been given a million chances to “happen” in Hollywood, because Hollywood loves to reward white mediocrity, especially when it comes in a “pedigreed” package. The problem that some Hammer-fans had with the Buzzfeed piece was that it seemed like the focus was less on the structural problems which enable the Armie Hammers of the world and more about how Armie Hammer isn’t all that. You can read the piece here.
Like, I agree with some of what Buzzfeed says, that Armie sometimes comes across as a rich, privileged dude-bro and he’s had a dozen major flops, so why is he still trying and why is Hollywood still trying to make him happen? But some of the attacks did feel personal. I think Hammer has a serious case of white privilege and male privilege too, but I think that about most white dudes, honestly.
Anyway, Armie read the Buzzfeed article, and he apparently tweeted about it, writing: “Your chronology is spot on but your perspective is bitter AF. Maybe I’m just a guy who loves his job and refuses to do anything but what he loves to do…?” Fair enough. We’re entitled to think Armie is bathed in white privilege, and he’s entitled to think that we’re bitter AF, and he’s entitled to keep working. I don’t see the big deal here. Apparently, it became a thing though. People yelled at him and about him on Twitter, to the point where he ended up deleting his Twitter account! Now people are calling him a big butthurt baby because he deleted his Twitter after ONE unflattering essay. As the president would say, SAD!
Here are some photos of Armie with his wife Elizabeth at the Gotham Awards last night. Call Me By Your Name won Best Feature Film. Armie will be fine, y’all.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

Source: Armie Hammer deleted his Twitter after calling a critical Buzzfeed article ‘bitter AF’

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