Armchair View of Ijen Volcano in Indonesia

By Tobeontheroad
I  have heard about volcano in books and I do not think many of us will have a chance to see a volcano in active during our lifetime unless you go on globe trotting with meticulous planning and see countries at quite pace which i have made it as a hobby.I do not worry about the breaks in my backpacking trips as I have our loved ones to take care and enjoy the family life too.But my daughter and her friends heard about this Ijen volcano in Indonesia and decided to climb and see this Marvel .

After having spent a gruelling jeep journey  throughout the previous day from Surabaya they were made to get up at 3 am to start the climb to this Ijen Volcano Trip.This Kawah Ijen Volcano is  Sulphur mine by day and this unassuming Volcano turns alien landscape into Blue at night.One can see these spectacular night photos in

The path which leads to this Volcano is a very steep and one must have a strong knee and will power to walk along slippery ridges .But the scenic beauty around cannot be described and can only be felt as you move along .Very essential is a good quality hiking shoes to cover this land.

As one walk along the trail one can see the clouds traveling over hillocks and forest trees and in the distance can see the smoke coming out of the volcano.
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