Although I’m a wee bit late to the party, I’m happy to participating in ABEA again. What is Armchair BEA?
Y’all remember how excited I was to be going to Chicago to Book Expo America? I’ve been looking forward to the trip for months having saved all last year so I could attend…..then this happened.
To say I’m disappointed would be a vast understatement. But, a main value of mine is to always try to put a positive spin on things – attitude is everything, right? {don’t get me wrong. sometimes it can be really really hard to keep a good attitude.}
With all that said, I AM happy to be participating in what’s known as Armchair BEA. All of us book bloggers who were unable to make the trek to Chicago spend the week ‘virtually’ attending BEA. This is my 3rd or 4th year, and I do enjoy meeting everyone in the blogosphere. Takes the sting out of not being able to attend BEA in person. đŸ™‚
Without further ado ~ my introduction đŸ˜‰
Hi there! I’m Stacy. I’ve been blogging since January, 2009 – wow, 7 years now!
One of our prompts is to share the first song in a playlist that would reflect my bookshelves. How about the first song in a playlist that corresponds with the moment I open a book? You know that moment I’m talking about. You sit down in your favorite chair, the lighting is just right, you’ve got a yummy beverage and the book you’ve been anticipating all day. Then when you open the cover, snuggling into your chair/bed/couch, at that very moment someone asks you a question. . . .
For those moments, my playlist would begin with Gwen Stefani’s Don’t Speak. I’d play it loud. and sing out the chorus. Til I could burrow back into my comfy spot, ignoring the world around me and slip into the pages of the book. Ahhh, such heaven!
The book I’m most looking forward to reading is the The City of Mirrors by Justin Cronin. I’ve got it loaded on my iPad all ready to go. I’m waiting for those few precious hours when I can read while the world passes me by. It’s also the one I’m most intimidate by as well. Why? Well I know when I start it I won’t want to put it down. At 624 pages I’m going to need a good several hours to get deep and involved with the book. Finding that time can be difficult.
How about you dear reader? What book are you most excited to be reading? How do you make time/find time to read?
Happy Armchair BEA week friends!