Armchair BEA: Expanding Blogging Horizons

By Anovelsource @thenovellife

What a grand time to be a part of the blogging world!  There are so many ways to expand your horizons – if you can dream it, you can do it! {Walt Disney} There’s also that old adage from Alice in Wonderland that if you don’t know where you’re going you’ll never get there. . .so this year I’ve been working through the How They Blog  Planning Kit and have made a few goals for myself and The Novel Life.

  1. Plan & coordinate a Georgia Book Bloggers meeting/lunch & learn/author roundtable. . .or something, to be held in conjunction with the Decatur Book Festival.
  2. Plan & coordinate a Georgia Blogger {encompassing any type of blogger} “give back” & support group {ongoing}
  3. Complete a one-page download resource {still working out the topic}
  4. Get more reviews written & posted {really my No. 1 goal!}

These are just a few things I have in the works at the moment.   I have a much longer goal list that can be overwhelming so I’m trying to focus on the top few at the moment.  One of my good & bad character traits is trying to take on the world until the moment I crash and burn. . .then I’ve got to recalibrate, reset, and reanalyze.  I wonder though if that’s not a typical trait of most women – taking on the world?  But that’s a whole other topic!

What plans do you have for your blog this year?

Armchair BEA is for book bloggers unable to attend Book Expo America in New York City this week.  ABEA is a virtual conference of daily blogging themes, tons of interaction, and loads of fun.