Here at D&N we pride ourselves on our scorchingly hot-off-the-press news service with which we keep you bang up to date on all the very latest in politics and the arts. It is in that spirit that I can inform you that The Secret In Their Eyes, a simply terrific film from Argentinia, was on BBC4, er, last week! Alright, alright, I know it's a bit late but you must bear in mind that I can't cope with simultaneously solving all the world's problems and educating you lot in the process. That's quite apart from waiting on the 'Memsahib' hand and foot whilst she continues in quite the longest recovery period from a hip operation known to the history of medical science . . . now, where was I? Oh yes, The Secret In Their Eyes . . . I was going to provide you with the Wiki link but I know you lot, you'd read all the plot details before you watch the film and then come back here and tell me it was boring!
Actually, this is the second time I have written about this intriguing film. Originally, it was on one of my mate Rupe's channels but I have noticed it cropping up on one or two of the more obscure channels since. However, last Saturday it was on BBC4 - well, I've lost count of the number of times I've told you to check the BBC4 schedules on Saturday nights because they regularly have on some corkers. (Looks like a good Swedish one on tonight!)
Anyway, back to The Secret In Their Eyes which is an unforgettable gem of a film. You need to concentrate because it flits back and forth in time between now and 20-odd years earlier when a particularly nasty rape and murder took place. The hero is the investigating judicial officer - they have the Continetal system of crime investigation, apparently - who, through no fault of his own, fails to make a charge stick against the perp. Twenty years later and now retired he makes another effort. The sub-plots include a grown up love story between our hero and his female boss, and also an example of selfless, sacrificial friendship between him and his alcoholic buddy. But above and beyond all these things is the ending which is rich in moral paradox and is such that I cannot quite get it out of my mind - and nor can I come to a definitive conclusion concerning the rights and wrongs of it.
Do whatever it takes to find it on the schedules somewhere or buy the DVD - an earlier Commenter said he had watched it on DVD.