Argentina and Chile Decide Not to Leave It to Beavers

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

Importing the incisor-toothed hydrologists from Canada to the southernmost tip of South America seemed like a good idea in 1946, but it wasn’t

Garry Rogers:  It’s the same with many other animal and plant species.  Worldwide, one of the worst human impacts arises from the introduction of foreign species.  A few of the introductions invade local habitats just as did the beavers in this story, and in many ways, the invaders destroy the original character of their new home.  One of the greatest ecological disasters in North America began when range managers began introducing “palatable species” from other continents.  Now more than 100,000,000 acres have lost their native systems and diversity (read more in the desert-habitat article list at http://garryrogers/nature).

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