Aretha Franklin Had Almost $1M In Uncashed Checks When She Died

By Firstladyb

FirstLadyB: Christian Millennial Blog Covering Entertainment, Lifestyle & Pop Culture

When Aretha Franklin passed away last year she had nearly a million dollars in uncashed checks according to reports.

This news comes as inventory of her assets were revealed in recent court documents.

An inventory following her death found that Franklin had a check for $702,711.90 from Sound Exchange and Screen Writers Guild as well as uncashed checks to her publishing company, Springtime Publishing, from EMI, BMI, Carlin Music and Feel Good Films in the amount of $285,944.27. In total, $988,656.17 in uncashed checks were found, according to Billboard.

At the time of her death last August, no will was found, but 9 months after her death, three handwritten wills were reportedly found in her Michigan home. Two from 2010 and one from 2014.

Those wills are under review by a handwriting expert to verify their authenticity.

Aretha Franklin left behind four sons when she passed.