Are You Ready to Get a Dog?

By Hundidocom @hundidopuppy

Dogs, especially puppies, are adorable and it is easy to get one on impulse – but restrain yourself and seriously consider if the time is really right to get a canine friend. Get the timing right! Are you ready to get a dog?

(Check out Adopting a Dog – Puppy or Adult?)

The time may not ideal to get one if you are:

  • moving house
  • hectically busy at work and/or socially
  • changing jobs
  • in the throes of an illness
  • separating from your partner
  • mourning a death in the family
  • expecting a new baby
  • due to go on a holiday
  • faced with losing your job
  • about to celebrate a momentous occasion that will result in family routine upheaval and an increase in household activity or noise levels

There are always exceptions to the rules, and many people find comfort in their pets at times when they are suffering great stress. Such owners may feel that, although they are in turmoil, their pets are not suffering in any way because they remain fed and cared for. However, it is a known fact that animals do feel their owners’ anxieties (this is called anxiety transference) and feel worried themselves. These anxieties may manifest in unusual behavior such as attention-seeking or soiling around the home.

It is important, therefore, to ensure that you’re in a position both materially and emotionally to offer a secure and harmonious home to a dog before you get one.

*image source